
Secure Your WordPress Site With a Single Sign On

Brute force attacks are the most common occurring hacking attacks on a WordPress site. In these attacks, hackers try to log into your WordPress...

How To Reduce Admin-Ajax Server Load In WordPress

To increase better user experience, we always end up increasing site speed. Clicking a website link seems like a simple thing. But have you...

5 Best Related Posts Plugins for WordPress

Plugins are used to extend and add WordPress functionality. They make it easy for users to add features to their website without knowing a single...

Top 6 Best WordPress Theme Frameworks

There are many websites themes which are created by using a framework. Likewise, WordPress Theme frameworks also becoming so popular. The framework allows you...

Best WordPress Cache Plugins for Better Speed

Too much loading time can harm your website in more ways. Although there are various ways to optimize the site's speed, caching is the...

Best WordPress Image Optimization Plugins

The image is an important part of the content that you upload on your website. A single image is effective to make the user...

6 Best WordPress Backup Plugins To Protect WordPress Site

WordPress Database consists each and every things that you have on your WordPress site/blog. If unfortunately, your database gets erased or corrupted, you may lose...

Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins to Keep Your Site Secure

WordPress security is considered the very serious issue. Still, if other potential security issues may arise if some basic security precautions aren't taken. As...

7 Proven Ways To Decrease Bounce Rate On Your Blog

Do you have high bounce rate? Are you struggling with decreasing bounce rate? Here, I will tell you some proven tips to reduce bounce...

How To Create Android App For Your Blog Or Website

Android is the world's most popular platform. According to analysis, Android sees 350,000 devices activated every single day. Android is growing faster than ever. Although, Android...

5 Top Plugins To Turn WordPress Site Into Mobile App

According to a survey, 47 percent of mobile traffic comes from mobile apps. You might be missing out a ton of traffic even after having a mobile-optimized...

Free Online Grammar and Punctuation Checker Tools

As a blogger, you might have set some of your writing goals. With those goals, correct grammar and quality writing also matters. Good writing...