InfoPhilicSEOCommon SEO mistakes that you should avoid

Common SEO mistakes that you should avoid

You’ve optimized your pages, written delightful title tags, concocted a gorgeous description to entice clicks, used your target keyword in your copy with similar words, and your content is good, like really good.

Still, you are not ranking in search engine. It’s frustrating I know.

But not anymore. I’m going to show you how you can discover what’s holding you back, and how to make sure your site is a lovely big target for visitors.

In this guide, I will give you an overview of the SEO issues that I have encountered most often. Moreover, will also give you a solution to address them.

Let’s start.

1. Ignoring faster is better:

Loading speed is an important factor to get more visitors and get good rank in Google. Most of the time a user comes to your blog and left it due to load time. This ultimately increases bounce rate on your blog.

When a user navigates to your site, your site must create a better user experience. No doubt, slow loading contents frustrate users, thus tend to move somewhere else.

A faster and more responsive website will keep them more engaged and focused on your content, not waiting for scripts and images to load. Moreover, faster-performing sites may rank higher in search engine results as Google uses page speed in their ranking algorithm.

Here is the best guide on How To Speed Up WordPress.

2. Using wrong keywords for ranking:

Keywords have been one of the most basic elements of SEO. The keywords are nothing but the meta keywords snippet that describes your page content. Most of the bloggers use keywords to introduce their blog/site to search engines.

What most of the blogger do that they deliberately use too generic keywords. They merely spam keywords element. And thus, the search engine ignores their site.

To prevent this, make sure you are using an appropriate keyword that describes your content and page. Also, make yourself habitual of using long tail keywords and more specific the keywords.

3. Forgetting to invite people to visit your site:

The meta description of a website plays an important role in attracting the right kind of visitor from the search engine results pages or SERPs. Many digital marketers don’t pay enough attention to this important part when implementing their marketing plan.

In fact, most of them think that the meta description doesn’t matter anymore.

The meta description is not a ranking factor, but it does play an important part in optimizing your Click Through Rate (CTR). CTR gives some insight into how likely potential visitors are to actually click on your site in the SERPs.

If you optimize your meta descriptions with clear and attractive extracts on what potential visitors can find on your site, it becomes easier for them to see if the information they’re looking for is on that page.

4. Ignoring to write good content:

Writing quality content plays an important role in SEO strategy. It helps you tackle some competitive search terms.

It’s important to make sure every page of your site has decent content, at least 300 words. Keep in mind that you are writing for visitors, not for Google. Google’s central goal is to arrange the world’s data and give the most ideal answers. Along these lines, composing quality substance for your audience is additionally something that will promptly prompt Google’s approval.

The content of your articles and blog post should be new, fresh and original. It should add something to all the junk that’s already out there on the internet. You can use Semrush tool for the keyword research.

While writing content:

  • Do keyword research
  • Think about your audience

5. Not thinking the mobile is the future:

Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing. Since Google started using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, it affected mobile searches in all languages worldwide. It also has a significant impact on Google’s mobile search results.

Since Google started mobile-first index, it determines site rankings based on the quality of the mobile version of the site. Indirectly, this is short notice by Google to webmasters that even if they are not considering their mobile site, they will still get judged. Thus, it is time to take the action.

While considering the mobile SEO:

Wrapping words:

So, this is all about speeding up your site to improve ranking factor of your site or a blog. You might also like to read my another guide on Off-page SEO techniques that will be helpful for you to get top rank on the first page of Google and other search engines.

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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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