InfoPhilicBloggingHow to Disable Google AMP & Remove AMP Content from Google Search

How to Disable Google AMP & Remove AMP Content from Google Search

Most of the users access the internet on their mobile phones. But, all the sites are not mobile-friendly yet. Thus, Google started a project called AMP to make sure that the websites meet user expectations.

There were some rumors that Google is considering AMP as a ranking factor, but that is not true. Some bloggers have observed, their site loading quickly after enabling AMP. But on the other hand, they lose user engagements, ads impressions, and newsletter sign-ups on mobile devices. That made their mind to disable AMP.

How to Disable Google AMP?

After considering the above situations, you are on the stage where you may feel like not to use AMP or disable Google AMP. But, in reality, you can’t turn it off. It’s because, when you do a Google search on your mobile device, Google detects that it’s a mobile device, and reroutes your search request through their AMP servers, and not through their regular servers.

Thus, it causes the link to become a link to Google’s AMP system. But, you can remove your AMP content from search results. Google even recommended a guide on How to Remove AMP contents from search results.

If this won’t help you, then don’t panic. There are several other ways too through which you can disable Google AMP.

Remove rel=” amphtml” output from the head:

Google detects AMP pages by rel= “amphtml” markup link, which lies in the website header. To remove rel=”amphtml”, follow the below steps. Using regex, match the string and replace it with any value you want (keeping it blank will be great). To do so, Install & activate Real-Time Find and Replace plugin.

Real-Time Find and Replace
  • In the tools section, click on Real-Time Find and Replace.
  • Click Use Regex.
  • In the find field, insert this query as it is
<link rel="amphtml" href="(.+)" >
  • Next, Go to replace field and keep it blank.
  • Click on Update.

Removing this markup means telling Google that we don’t have AMP version of the page or site. It makes Google ‘deindexes’ the page. Here a problem lies- Google may consider AMP version pages as duplicate URL for canonical.

The condition can take place because we have removed relational markup. What’s now? So, here we have to add the solution by using NOINDEX for removing AMP pages from Google Search. To do so,

  • Open AMP for WP plugin settings.
  • Click on SEO.
  • Add the following line of code in the head section for AMP page:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow"/>

If you are not using AMP for WP plugin, then you can use Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP plugin to add above meta tag on your AMP pages.

  • Goto, SEO>> AMP
  • Design
  • Add the code in Extra code in <head>
Adding extra meta tags in AMP
Adding extra meta tags in AMP

Now, you are done with setting up NOINDEX for the AMP page. But wait, without further process, you are done with the half process only. So, let’s move to additional steps. Next thing you have to do,

  • Go to Google Search Console.
  • Go to your Property and Sitemaps.
  • Check the box of XML sitemap and Click Resubmit.

Doing this means asking Google to NOINDEX your AMP pages and re-indexed over to the original URLs. It may take a few days to complete. Once you observed that your AMP has been disabled, you can disable & delete AMP plugin.

Disable AMP plugin and Add Redirects:

Deactivate AMP plugin and put the following code on .htaccess file in the root directory. Follow this guide to edit .htaccess file on your server.

# Redirect from AMP to non-AMP page
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/amp$ $1 [R=301,L]


I have implemented both tricks and found both works fine. I guarantee, applying one of these will not allow your visitor to experience 404 errors. Thus, your site will automatically get a prior rank on the search engine. If you are facing any problem while removing, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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  1. Hello.. i added a NOINDEX meta tag () using my amp for wp plugin. And I uninstalled the amp for wp plugin when disabling amp and removing my amp pages from search engine.. Now I want my amp pages back on search engine.. How can i remove the NOINDEX meta tag? Can i re-install the amp for wp plugin to do reverse the case? Or do i need a special method to do it?! Please help me

    • Hello,

      No need to do anything as removing plugin also removes the NOINDEX meta tag. For safety, if you are using the same plugin for AMP, then check if you still have that tag in the settings.
      Hope this will help.

  2. Hello, I followed this article of yours and it really helped me in achieving what i want.. Now, I need my amp back and I want google to successfully index them (my amp pages).. How can i undone what i did before and allow amp on my website once again?

    Core web vitals will be necessary next year and will be used as a rank factor.. amp will really be a good step for me.

    Please can i get a guide on how to undone it and get google index my amp pages again..

    Please help, I don’t want amp errors on my webmaster account that is why i came directly from the source of where i learnt how to remove it.

  3. Hello

    Am using a different AMP plugin with no SEO settings option , am left with this option below

    supported Templates
    The following content types will be available as AMP:

    Cloud Templates — Content is not available as AMP.

    My question is , is will disabling them be enough , instead of adding this code or there is another way to add the code

  4. Hello,

    I have uninstalled AMP for WordPress before reading your interesting piece of article.

    Hence, I cannot add NOINDEX in the head of the AMP posts… because they do not exist anymore.
    Is it a big problem ?
    Can Google Search Console drop my AMP posts indexing without any further action ?

    Thanks again for your shared expertise.

  5. Hey Amit,

    Thanks for the article. The plugin (accelerated-mobile-pages) said that it is closed down and not available for download. Is there another way to use NOINDEX for removing AMP pages from Google Search? I’m stuck here.

    Thanks a lot

  6. Sir, i have disabled amp on my site but in mobile search results google showing amp page again, here is the suffix of link ?amp_markup=1
    how to resolve this error??

      • Actually I have enabled amp in my website and Google is redirecting my website from its search results to instead of

        • It's known bug in AMP, disabling Facebook Instant Article Support in the plugin settings will fix this. You can re-enable it once plugin developer fixes it and release an update.

  7. I use the theme newspaper. but after I update the theme and also the AMP plugin, in google webmaster still having a problem on AMP. is the AMP tagdiv plugin still problematic? or is there another way to solve the problem. please help. thanks.


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