InfoPhilicHow toHow to protect yourself from Keylogger

How to protect yourself from Keylogger

A Key logger is a software or hardware device which monitors every key typed by the user on the keyboard. A keylogger is also known as a keystroke logger, a software or hardware device that monitors every key typed by the user on the keyboard. Software Keylogger is installed on your computer, whereas a Hardware keylogger is attached to your keyboard. You cannot identify the presence of Keylogger on your system (computer) since it runs in the background and is also not listed in the task manager or control panel. A keylogger can harm you in different ways. For example, it can be used by your enemy or friend to get sensitive information such as your username and password, bank credit card details, or any other activities you do on your computer.

Example: You log in to your Facebook account from a computer in which Keylogger is installed, then your username and password will be captured.

How to detect Keylogger?

A user has to take the help of a simple process to detect the virus and eradicate it from a system as the virus remains installed in more than a hundred places of a computer. However, you can try this process to detect whether a keylogger is running or not.

  • While using the desktop, right-click the taskbar and then task manager.
  • Alternatively, you have to press the ctrl+ Alt+ Del concurrently to undo the task manager.
  • The task manager will display a list of the applications currently running on the machine.
  • Then you go to the process tab, and you will get information on both visible and invisible programs.

Trick to protect you from Keylogger

To protect yourself from the Keylogger here are some points to keep in your mind:

  • Use proper and updated antivirus.
  • Never use your online banking from a cyber cafe. If you want to use it, then you can try this method –
    Open Notepad and type anything, then copy and paste each word that comes in your username or password.
  • You can even use this method to protect your Facebook profile, Yahoo, or Gmail id.
  • When you enter the cyber cafe, make sure that no hardware device is attached to the keyboard wire.
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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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