InfoPhilicHow toHow to Increase PHP maximum execution time

How to Increase PHP maximum execution time

WordPress is written using PHP scripting. To protect web servers from abuse, there is a time limit set for how long a PHP script can run. Often, Hosting providers have set up these values.

When the script reaches the desired value, it generally throws maximum execution time exceeded error. This maximum execution time exceeded error is nothing but a Fatal error.

Although, fixing this error is relatively simple. In this guide, I will tell you how you can easily fix the problem.

1. Increase PHP maximum execution time using .htaccess

edit .htaccess file
edit .htaccess file

Add the following code:

php_value max_execution_time 300

Through this code, you are simply gonna increase maximum execution time to 300 seconds. You can set this value as you want.

  • Now, check by reloading that blank page. Your content will appear back to normal.

2. Increase PHP maximum execution time using php.ini

You can also increase PHP maximum execution time by modifying a php.ini file on your server.

edit php.ini file
edit php.ini file

Simply add the code below:

max_execution_time = 300

3. Increase PHP maximum execution time using Plugin:

There is also a plugin available to ease this task.

WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded:

WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded
WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded

The plugin works by adding and deleting the necessary code to the .htaccess file. Meanwhile, using this plugin, you don’t need to delete the files to remove the code.

Note: Before installation, take a complete backup of your website.

  • Now, from Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New >> WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.

That’s it.


Hence, you have successfully increased PHP maximum execution time in WordPress. I hope, you find this guide helpful. Let me know in the comment section below.

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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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