InfoPhilicAdSenseAdSense HeatMap: Best Practices For Google AdSense Placement

AdSense HeatMap: Best Practices For Google AdSense Placement

AdSense heatmap gives you brief information about the best AdSense placement ideas. Following it will surely help you in maximizing your AdSense warming and builds user experience as well.

When it comes to making money online, Google AdSense is the best solution. Google AdSense is a program that allows publishers to serve interactive media advertisements in the Google Network of content sites. Almost 80% of publishers use it across the globe.

While using the AdSense program, it is exciting to increase ad performance with AdSense. But, it is also necessary to keep the user experience in mind while placing the ads. User experience can make your site successful. Since AdSense offered responsive ad units, and Google has placed great importance on user-experience in evaluating search rankings.

Many different factors affect the user experience. Similarly, ads placement plays a significant role.

AdSense heatmap provides you guide about ads placement according to your site type (news, magazine, blog, etc.).

AdSense placement is quite tricky but also has significant benefits. For example, it doubles your traffic when you place your advertisement with a trick and without annoying readers. Though Through AdSense heatmap, Google itself suggests placing ads above the fold for higher CTR.

AdSense heatmap provides you some images for placing your ads on that location. The photos tell the user about ads location and ad size for both desktop view and mobile view.

Ads position matters:

The most viewable position is right above the fold. Above the fold is the visible area of a web page that can be seen without going to scroll the page.

As the image suggests,

  • 300×250 AdSense ad unit must be placed little above the fold.
  • 728×90 size Ad unit performs better if it is placed right above the fold.
  • 320×50 size unit can be placed anywhere in the visible area.

It would help if you considered this:

While placing your ads according to user experience, make sure that users can easily find the content they are looking for. For instance, if your site offers downloads, place download links above the fold. Another few places where you can place an advertisement for better CTR:

  • Above the post
  • Sidebar banner
  • Sidebar video unit

Once you finished with ads placement, make sure your contents are easy to find. It easy to distinguish the site’s content and site’s ads.

So, this is all about the AdSense HeatMap and the ad placement for the better earning with better user experience. Do share your views for the best Google AdSense placement in the comment section below.

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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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  1. You are aware that floating ads (sidebar) is an Adsense violation. Just a tip to fix that before someone will report you.


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