InfoPhilicWordPressTop 6 Best WordPress Theme Frameworks

Top 6 Best WordPress Theme Frameworks

There are many websites themes which are created by using a framework. Likewise, WordPress Theme frameworks also becoming so popular. The framework allows you to quickly develop a new theme without the need to reinvent the wheel each time you design a new theme. They are best described as the foundation of WordPress theme.

These WordPress theme frameworks allow website owners to keep their settings, options, and other configuration choices. Here, I am listing some of the top-rated frameworks that you can use as the foundation.

1. Genesis:

Genesis is the most popular and most recommended framework among all frameworks. It is always designed to be used with child theme developed by the StudioPress team.
The genesis framework allows you to develop incredible websites with WordPress easily. It provides a secure and search-engine-optimized foundation to your WordPress site.

Features of Genesis:

• Accessibility Ready
• Mobile Responsive
• Lightweight
• Well Supported.
• Relatively inexpensive

Buy Genesis Today!!

2. Thesis:

It is one of the most well-known WordPress frameworks. Mainly it focuses on SEO. It is considered as best SEO theme ever made. Its skin comes with everything you need to create a professional-grade website.

• Meaningful, Powerful Customizations
• Thesis Skins, Markup Schema, and SEO Domination

3. Headway:

Headway is a drag and drops framework that allows you to control almost every element of a theme’s design. It comes with the latest standard of codings like HTML5 and CSS3.
The sites which are built on Headway now becomes an increasingly crowded marketplace.

• Visual and Design Editors
• Custom CSS
• Templates as an alternative to its skins
• Good orientation

4. Canvas:

Canvas is a highly customizable and starter theme. Through its option panel, it allows you to modify the design, layout, and typography. It comes with 100+ options that will help you to achieve the look you want.

• Customize Any Element
• Advanced Layout Controls
• Responsive Layout
• Shop Facilities
• Google Fonts Support
• Child-Theme Friendly
• Magazine and Business templates

5. Ultimatum:

Ultimatum is a total design suite that gives you every control of each aspect of your site. For that purpose, it is not necessary that you must have coding knowledge. It is sturdy and features packed responsive WordPress theme framework.
It is an innovative platform to build your website with drag and drop functions. The Elements in the theme can be styled via the inbuilt options like color pickers etc. That means you don’t need to make any changes in your CSS files.

• Easy Styling
• Mobile Ready
• Bootstrap and Bootswatches
• For coders, noncoders both

6. Gantry:

It is a set of building blocks that allow you to create a comprehensive website layout. Building a website on Gantry is effortless.
It’s human-readable data serialization, make it easy to create and configure blueprints for back-end configuration options. This theme incorporates a large number of features to the next-generation framework with a modern and unique look

• Powerful New Layout Manager
• Versatile Integrated Menu Editor
• Content Animations
• Font Awesome Icon Support Built-in
• Virtually Unlimited Widget Positions, Particles, etc

There are many new WordPress theme frameworks comes with best features. If I suggest, Genesis is best among all. What do you think which one is the best Theme Framework? Don’t forget to let me know in the comment section.

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Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar has been the tutorial writer since 2013. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology flow through the expert coverage he provides. In addition to writing for InfoPhilic, Amit loves to read and try new things.

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